Since we are EXTREMELY late posting today, we decided to just put up some bits and pieces of outside things. Forgive us for being so late, but we've had visitors AND plumbing problems....NOT a nice combination!! Thankfully, us cats (and dawgz) don't suffer too much when the dishes can't be washed in the kitchen sink, but I think Mom is nearly crazy from it...thankfully, a plumber came today and made a big hole in the wall, found the blocked pipe and replaced it!! Woo hoo! (or so says Mom...we could really care less!)
Can you believe that our sunflowers have grown to 4 meters (approx. 12 ft) high?? The tallest ones are now in bloom (this picture is a few days old).
Me, hanging out in the shade of a squash leave. They make really good parasols!!
Ginger hanging out in the squash, I was NOT there at the same time.
Ginger, on a walk in the forest.
Ginger and a couple of her new friends.

Ginger is not as big as she thinks she is.

Ellwood and Ginger visiting Barsik's swimming pool.