Hi Everyone!! Ellwood (The Wood) here!! I've been going to school these last couple of weeks..can you tell? My writing is much better!! And not only that, I now know some tricks and am learning - key word: LEARNING - how to 'heel'. I have to admit though, that of all the tricks so far, 'heel' is the one trick I really don't like doing so even though I know what Mom wants me to do, I pretend I don't understand her then I just do whatever I want instead. I think soon though I'll have to give in and 'just do it'!! haha!
On a different subject, would you believe that our neighbors have a pet pig? Yep!! I know, most people have cats and/or dogs, but they have a PIG!! A black boy piggy that is about 7 months old and his name is Toni. Mom likes Toni so she scratches him in what seems to be the right places because when she does, Toni just kinda plops down on his side, closes his eyes and just lays there letting Mom scratch and rub him....I think he even groans a little!!

Toni came into our garden yesterday and I was so excited!! He sure smells different than a dog, but I didn't mind, I had fun jumping all over him anyway and I don't think he minded too much...well, at least not for a while...he only tried to nip me a couple of times, but he is really good at doing this kind of head-butt move to push me away - well, he would try, but I'm pretty quick so he wasn't always successful!! He's a riot because he kinda snorts when we play...I don't understand what he is saying, but I think its something like: 'Outta my way ya little yard ape!!'. Not only is Toni fun, he also likes what I like...eating dirt and pushing his nose around in it!! Can you believe that?? I think Toni is really cool!!! Here are some pictures of us having a good time!