Hewwo Evewywon, tooday I'm going to take yoo on an EwwWood's visit of Pwague! Yoo weddy? Yes? OK!! Wet's go!!!
Ouw visit tooday begins in de pawk behind de Pwague Cassoh...wook at aww de pwetty weaves!! I wanted to wawk frou dis pawk, but dere was a sign dat said dat dawgs awe not awwowed so Mom had to cawwee me. But we did sneak a few pictuwes anyway cause I pwetended to be in my cawwying bag.
Hewe we awe in de Woyoh Pawwace Gawdens...yoo see behind me wawwes of de gawden and behind dem is a big awea like a fohwest whewe once upon a time dewe wewe BEAWS (bears)!!! In de distance yoo can see Dawibor (Dalibor) Tawah (Tower) on de weft, pawts of de cassoh and doze big pointie fings awe de tops of St Vitus Caffeedwaw (I wiwwe show yoo doze in a moment!). Coow, huh?
Wook behind me hewe...dat is St Vitus Caffeedwaw...it is vewy, vewy taww!! Way up above me awe de twin west spiwes (spires) at de west fwont/main entwance.
And dat gweenish tawah waaay up dere above my head is de Renaissance beww tahwah (Bell Tower)...maybe one day when I am big and stwong I wiww cwimb aww de way to de top...ow awmost since it iz not wewwy possibew to get to de vewwy vewwy top!!
And hewe is anudder side of St Vitus Caffeedwal. Dey caw dis 'de Gohden Pawtaw' (The Golden Portal).
And dat's me on one of the dawwes...I was kinda sweepy an din't feew wike wawkin so Mom put me hewe fow de picture.
Yep, and hewe I am again on anudder dawwe...I wiked being on de dawws because eveweewon waz sqeewwin becaws dey tot I waz so cute... and dey waz wite!! I am cute...mega cute!!
And hewe we awe wooking fwom de cassoh wawws down at de city...yoo can't wewwy see duh wivah, but I fink yoo can see de bwidge cawwed Checkoff (Cechuv) bwidge...and just bewowe is de pwetty gawden cawwed Wawwenstein (Wallenstein) Gawden. Waaaay back in de backgwound is de ugwee mahdewn Geezkov (Zizkov) Tawah which was biwded by de communists to bwok out aww wadio and tewevision waves from coming into de dis countwy. (Isn't dat just awful!?) But now it hewps to bwing dem in so dat is good!!
Now we awe on de wittew qwattah (Little Quarter) side of de Chawwaz Bwidge...see de tawwah behind me?
And hewe we awe wooking down at Chaowtovka (Certovka) which means in Czech 'de Deviw's Stweam' (the Devil's Stream) and awso de awea bewowe de bwidge.
Hewe, I'm takin' a wittle nap again, but in de bakgwound yoo can see de wivah Vawtava (Vltava - known in English as The Moldau) and pawt of de awea cawwed Kampa. Dewe on de wite is the modern moozeeuhm and de distance is Legii bwidge, Stwewestsky Eyewand (Strelecky Island) and de Nashunal tee-ate-hew.
Aw, and hewe is de wivah again, but fwom de udduh side!! Ova dewe is de Owd Town Side of de wivah...dat gween dome is pawt of de Cwementinumuhhh (Clementinum) and favvah ovah on de weft and behind is de Woo-doff-fin-uhm (Rudolfinum). Dat bwidge ova dere is cawwed Man-ness (Manes) bwidge.
I'm in my cawwying bag again and we awe on de Owd Town side...behind me is de Chawas Bwidge and ovah dere on yoh wite is de Pwague Cassoh. Can yoo beweev dat we wawked aww de way fwom dere? I am wewwy poooped!!
OK, dis wast pictuwe is wewwy NOT funny...I was sweeping and Mom put a dawg tweet (candy) on my mouwf to show dat I was sweeping wike a wog...nohmawwee I smeww de dawg tweets wite away but becuz I was so sweepy, I didn't smeww a fing!!
PeeEss...if yoo wiked dis toowah, wet me know and I wiww fink about annudah one I can take yoo on!!
PeeEssEss...Mom goofed up and put de same date fow dis post as she did fow de Wednesday post instead ov putting de Fursday date (21 Oct)...dat is why dere awe two posts today...gee Mom...wake up!!!