I figure it's important that every now and then I remind you of my furr-oh-shusness, so what better time to do so than today?

As everyone knows, Tiny is really good at finding great sleeping spots. I'm just average at this, so instead of counting on my skills, I just wait and see where Tiny goes, then I go and tell her to get off so that I can sit in the place that she has just warmed up (for me...hahaha!). Today is no exception...see how happy and cozy she looks there? The first step for me is to go up to her to make sure she is looking content with her choice, then I decide on the best strategy for the 'takeover' (also known as the 'thieving').
As always, a take-over begins with an annoying sniff, which does not always cause an immediate reaction, but it does announce the beginning of a challenge...

Experience has taught me that being below your opponent is not always the best strategy in a non-hostile (I am not hostile!) takeover because when I am lower than Tiny, she has more strength AND gravity helps her out, too. So today, I have opted to be somewhere higher than she is. (Aren't I so clever?)

The first move is a gentle nudge...

And here she comes with her wap-wap-wap, but I've predicted this and have moved far enough away (and since I am above her and behind plants, she has an extra difficult time getting to me - haha!).

...and again a gentle nudge...

....and another wap-wap-wap...

...and she's gone!!

And now the spot is MINE!
...oh, she looks like she found another good spot there...hmmm, maybe I should go for that one now...