Thursday, 1 September 2011

Gardening Thursday - SOFG

We feline AND canine gardeners (Jonesie the Master Gardener does have Grete, right?) and members of SOFG consider ourselves to be equally responsible for the garden in one way or another...the canines fertilise it (no pictures necessary!)...

...and occastionally do some cleaning (e.g. flower pots)...

...and we felines keep the grass trim...

...and give a certain calming beauty to the whole ensemble.

We all watch over it and admire it and enjoy frolicking and rolling in the deep grass out behind the barn where the squashes are growing...

(check out these wild, giant snake-looking squash that we have)

... just as we enjoy listening to the purring sounds of the bumble bees as they lazily fly from one Japanese Anemone to another and another (we have hundreds of them) or as they crawl around on the dinner plate sized center of the giant sunflowers or as they try to find the secret place to step on to open the snapdragon's mouth or the sweetpea's heart. Gardens are great. Here we are doing our best to help and appreciate ours on these very last days of summer (and oh what a short and rotten summer it was here....grrr.)

You see, even Ellwood is praying that we have just a few more days of warm weather...bless him!

(Cripes...Blogger is playing games with our won't let us center certain bits of text!! GrrrHiss!)


meowmeowmans said...

We think you're all doing a brilliant job with your garden. It looks fantastic! We hope you get a whole lot more warm days to spend out there.:)

Fuzzy Tales said...

We think your joint efforts are wonderful--well done!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That is sum amazing squash! We wish you could haf sum of our summer, we would gladly share! Purrs.

Catio Tales said...

You have a beautiful garden. Ours is a mess. If only Äiti would enlarge the catio we could take care of it better.

Malyss said...

What an interesting vegetable you have here!(it seems that your fertilising is working well..Ü)
Have a nice beginning of september, all of you!

Eve Edwards said...

Holy mahony....Catherine how do you do that catching those priceless moments.... the Wood praying.... that got me on my knees literally :-D :-D :-D thanx for cheering our mood so that we could survive another day till the weekend :-D yeheeey, wishing the prayers would be heard weatherwise and you are all doing a great job gardening! keep it up :-P :-) Regards Iakia

Unknown said...

Great garden! And thanks for sharing and our doggie is writing today too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great pictures of you around and about in yer gardens!!!