Mom left us.
Nope...not to turn the compost
or to pick something up at the store.
She's left us to visit Paris.
Yeah...THE Paris.
What does Paris have that we don't?
The only thing that comforts us is that we KNOW she will be back soon.
Why? Because she can never be away from us for very long.
But still....this coming Mom-less week is going to feel very long!!

Until she returns, I guess we'll just have to stop and smell the roses...
and the poppies and peonies.
And my compost garden will just have to reach new heights without me being there to watch over it.
Climbing rose - Pierre de Ronsard
(the only one SOMEONE can remember the name of!)
PeeEss: Make sure to go see Jonesie and what he is up to in his garden HERE.
(I bet HIS mom doesn't leave him like our mom does...
so NOT fair....sniff...snifffff..)