I'm sorry, but once again, we are suffering from rain so we can't do a Society of Feline Gardeners gardening post. Believe me, we are not happy about this AT ALL, but how can we stop the rain?? Please, if any of you know, tell us!!!
Since we can't turn off the sky faucet (yet!), we've decided...well, I, me, Lautrec decided that we could do a little rainy day quiz instead. So, here goes...take a look at the above picture collage and tell me the letters that correspond to all the pictures you think are of me. Some of you are really good so I think you will find me and only me right away. The rest of you may have to guess. Just so you know, this is not a trick...my furr Mom is the imposter kitty so that explains the similarity. Good luck!!
You got me on this one....I hope it quits raining for you....
That is a tough one...but I say D...but I could be talked out of it!
Oh, this actually is tough! We think B, D, and F, but of course we could be quite wrong, especially if A is colour-altered in photo-editing. If not, we're sticking with B, D, and F. (Now watch, we'll have them totally incorrect. LOL!)
Well, we immediately thought B, D and maybe F; we think A, C and E are definitely your fur Mom...Hope the weather clears up soon for you, sweet friends...We hope we got them right, because we are your girlfriends :)...kisses, handsome boy...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We also say B, D & F!
Lautrec, your Furr Mummy is quite beautiful.
Now your not making this easy, and I've had to sleep on it, but I think A and D
See Yea George xxx
WOW! This is TUFF! Erm ... Hmmmmm ... D and erm .... F?
I will guess D and also B!
Hmmm....we think A & D! this is a toughie!!!
I'd say B and d are Lautrec, a and c the mum; for the other thwo pictures, it's difficult to see..
I hope you will forgive us if we're wrong!:)
Hi Lautrec!!! Mom and I think they are all of you!!! The color on each is kind of deceiving!!! MOL Great post and rain rain go away so that Lautrec and Tiny can go out and play...Hugs Madi
We think it's a trick question...because they are all you! Meaning I know how much I love my momma Ellie and she is me and I am her...and purrrrrrrrr....
That's our answer because mom has not yet had enough coffee to properly help us.
They are all you :-)
We're guessing B, D, and F, although it is really hard to tell! Your fur mom is a very beautiful cat and you look so much alike (which means you are very handsome!)
I think B, C and F because of the way you squint your eyes.
I'm voting for B, but this is tough! You can send some rain our way if you like...we could use it!
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