So WHY all the crabbiness? Well, I know I should know better, but it feels SO GOOD - to crab!! I'm not REALLY that crabby, I just like to show everyone that they need to watch out for me (I have Ellwood in mind)
...but for those of you that I like and KNOW that I'm a loverboy!! Purr-meow!!
You're cute even with a crabby face! Have a purrfect day. Purrs.
You just like to play the curmudgeon. We love you even if you *are* crabby--pretending or otherwise!
I put on my crabby face whenever my human tries to kiss me.
Lolo, sometimes it's just plain old fun to put on your crankypants and PLAY!
xx Felix, the Curmudgeon
We love you Lolo! Crabbypants!
We are backing away slowly!
If I give you some treats, would you feel better ?
Here my treats " Temptation ", Now Smile, Lolo
Psssstttttt, Lolo? Guess what? Our #1 finally put your Paw It Forward package in the mail this morning!!!
The Chans
We understand Lolo, sometimes you have to be crabby to keep all kinds of critters in line!
We know that you love us and we love you too! Meowm is swooning over you!
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