We are sooo incredibly lucky to have all that we need and more, but there are so many kitties and cats out there that have nothing. NOTHING! No thing!! Not homes, not food, not a nice warm bed and not even someone to love them. Often, the one thing that those cats that have nothing have is an illness. That is the worst possible combination of bad and bad.
Well, a while back we heard about Shell. She was such a kitty. Alone and with nothing...nothing but sickness. Shell was adopted by a wonderful woman that wanted to give Shell a chance at life, but sadly, Shell was just too sick. One thing that was good in Shell's life was that she had a few days of learning what love was before she crossed over the rainbow bridge. The wonderful lady that gave Shell love also gave a lot from her pocket to try to help her (and other kitties similar to Shell)...but her pocket was very small so that nice lady asked for the help of others to auction off items that could earn money for lonely, sad, sick and helpless kitties.
Please go to the auction and bid on something. There are so many wonderful things that surely you will find something. And know that whatever you do find, it will always carry with it the fact that because you bought it, you helped give a kitty a chance at life...at a real life.
For more information and to see pictures of items on auction, please go here:

Please also see this blog about Feral Cats