Happy Birthday to yooouuuu, happy birthday to yooouuuu, happy birthday dear Lautrec, happy birthday to yoooouuuuu!! WE LOVE YOU LAUTREC!!
(Tiny on her 1st birthday)
Tiny the Mighty; the Mighty Tiny...you are a beautiful, smart, strong, tough kitty-cat and we hope that this 16th year is a wonderful kitty year for you!! All your friends and family love you so much you beautiful girl!!
In honor of this event, AttieCattie - Lautrec's lovely Ladycat - has teamed up with me, Tiny, to present the following mega-pawwwty. (And I, Ellwood, have sneaked my way into the blog to add my part, too!) Felines and Canines alike are welcome!!
In celebration of Lautrec's and Tiny's birthdays (sorry Tiny, you thought you were just making a birthday party for Lolo, but I snuck in and changed the post before midnight to add in YOUR birthday, too!!) we are going to have a big HISSSSGRRRRRBOOM!!
To start off the party each guest will be greeted at the door by our massage and pawdicure specialists who will see to it that you not only have been properly massaged (and scratched behind your ears) and psyched up to pawty, but you will have your paws and claws beautified...yes, you can have your claws painted or, if you would like, you can have little diamonds glued to them and your paw pads will be soft after a fabulous cream has been gently massaged into them!!
While you are having your massage and pawdicure, you can sip on a limitless number lovely cocktails (the drink, not the bird's tail!! Silly!) ...check out our house drinks:
+ mouseymarys
+ moonmilkmadnesses
+ groovygrassjuice
+ zippideedoodahjuice
and ehfurrybody's favourite:
When your pawdicure session is over, you will be escorted into...
What are the Fun Rooms?
Well, the FIRST Fun Room is a BOUNCY HOUSE (sort of like the one shown below)!! BOUNCY, BOUNCY, FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
(Now you understand why it was important that everyone have a pawdicure!!) If you have never been in a bouncy house, you will have the TIME OF YOUR LIFE!! These are great!! You can bounce like crazy and slam dance and flip and do all sorts of cool, crazy things and NOT GET HURT!! This is THE COOLEST thing...ever!!
But don't wear yourself out just yet because there are still more FUN ROOMS!! Sorry, no pictures available as these are EXCLUSIVE Weezdabadcats/AttieCattie creations!!
For the Felines:
We are talking about a room where all the walls and the ceiling are covered with carpet!!! Wooo hooo!! You will literally be able to run up and down the walls and maybe even across the ceiling..depending on your climbing talents! In the middle of this same room will be hundreds of catnip mice, miles of tunnels and climbing trees that you thought only exist in your imagination! AND, as a real treat there is a special feather pool which contains millions of feathers of all kinds for you to jump into and sniff and play with until your heart is totally and utterly content.
For the Canines:
The Bazillion Balls Room is a room filled with a bazillion balls!! Some of the balls have a special device in them that causes them to move around all the time all by themselves!! Also in this room will be several treat dispensers which will give treats to any an all who wish for a treat and you won't have to do any tricks for the treats..all you'll have to do it just LOOK at a treat dispenser and it will toss out a wonderful treat (each dispenser contains a different treat).
After you have had your fill of fun in the fun rooms, you can wander into the food hall....literally a hall of food...of EVERY kind...fresh fish (including, but not limited to salmon, tuna, trout and sandat - a wonderful fresh-water fish), boneless chicken, beef chunks, shrimp, crab, liver pate, cat milk, giant pots of fresh grass and caviar for those with rich taste!!
So, make sure you clear your day so that you can come and join us to wish both Lautrec and Tiny HAPPY BIRTHDAY and to give them lots of kisses, headbutts and good wishes for many more years of the good life.
We look forward to seeing ehfurryone!!
Purrs to all, Tiny and AttieCattie
(and Ellwood - heehee - I may be just a pup, but I'm already clever!)