Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Lolove....VERY SICK

Hello Everyone...

Sorry for not blogging for some time, but Lautrec is very ill and I fear greatly for his life. He not only has yellow skin, but has a half-functioning liver and pancreas problems. He has not eaten for several days nor had any water. We spent the good part of the day at the vet yesterday undergoing several different tests, x-rays and ultrasounds. The FIV test was inconclusive as it came out neither positive nor negative. He also has inflammation around his lungs. He needs to do a poop, but won't consider visiting the litter box.

I 'injected' water in his mouth last night, but this morning he vomited back up. The vet gave him antibiotics and something to help the swelling go down. 

Lautrec is laying in his basket next to me and is purring...bless him. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! Please, please, please, please, please, please say a prayer for him that he gets better.  The vet (who speaks Czech and I only sort of speak it) says we can only wait and see what happens (but, of course, will do all he can in the interim)...though he did say prayers are also good. So, I am asking you to please say one (or more, if you can spare them) for my dear, sweet boy.

Thank you. Cat


Sparkle said...

I'm sending Lolo all my biggest and best purrs! Please, please keep us posted!

SquirrelQueen said...

So very sorry to hear Lautrec is not well. We will be saying lots of prayers for his recovery.

Catio Tales said...

Of course we are praying for him. Paws are all crossed and we really hope for good news. With lots of love, Punapippuri's gang and Äiti

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear this news and wish for a speedy recovery for Lautrec. We all send lots and lots of purrs.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're sending purrs and purrayers to Lautrec, for his Highest Good. Have you Googled for any info on jaundice/liver problems as well as pancreatitis? Maybe there's something that the vet doesn't know that could help.

Paws crossed for Lolo and hugs to you.

vic said...

Me and my cats, Handsome, Grace and Scout will be praying and purring for Lolo's return to full health.

So worrying for you!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh NO! We cannot bear the thought of our dearest Lolo being so ill.

Do you have a veterinary school hospital anywhere close? Sometimes they are the best places when an animal is very sick. It sounds to us (sorry to be meddling) as though your vet is perhaps not doing all he could be doing. Shouldn't Lolo be on a drip to try and keep him hydrated?

Anyway, we're not much for prayers but we are purring up a storm and sending lots of good vibes.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are sending sweet LoLo lots and lots of purrs and prayers.

The Island Cats said...

We are purring very hard for Lolo and for you too, because we know how worried you are.

Marg said...

We sure are sending many many purrs to LoLo. We sure hope he gets better. The donkeys have been instructed to cross their hooves for Lolo. Hugs to Mom too. We know how upset you must be. Take care.

Katnip Lounge said...

We are sending our BEST HUGE purrs for Lolo, and for you, Mom...we have our paws crossed that he turns a corner soon.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are sorry to hear Lautrec is so ill. We send a big {{{hug}}} and a prayer!

The Kewl~Kitty~Krew said...

We have not been blogging much at all for quite a while and we just want you to know that we will purray for Lautrec to get better ASAP~!!! We will be sending healing vibes his way...

Anonymous said...

oh mine cod, mine wunnerful mancat love, you must gets betters!!! for me and your mommeh and all your furrends. you just turned teh stately age of 13 and remember vallentimes day is coming up! if you gets betters realleh fast i will sends you a super good prezzie for that most romantikal day. oh my goodnieness, i hopes you is not in too much pains mine love...

Jacqueline said...

We are purring and praying for sweet Lolo to get better asap...We are sending love and big hugs to all of you at this time...extra smoochies for handsome Lolo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Annie Bear said...

I am so sad and terribly sorry hear this. I have to agree with Kim at fuzzy Tales to maybe do some of your own research. (It just seems concerning that the vet wants to wait and see when Lolo is so very sick.) One thing is if he's not drinking, I would think maybe the vet would give him fluids via IV or subcutaneously but of course I don't know about liver problems. I will definitely be praying for him.


We are so sorry to hear about Lolo...our motors are on high and we are all purring for healing.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z purring and purraying hard fur Lolo!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

We are new visitors but will most certainly send purrayers and snuggles that Lautrec get better soon. It's hard when one we love is not feeling well.
Snuggles from Illinois,
Taz, Runt, and Charles

Ikaika said...

I am purring big time for sweet Lautrec and we are all sending healing energy. But our human agrees with the kitties and humans who have suggested doing some research and seeking out another vet. Do you have access to an acupuncturist/ TCM practitioner who treats animals? Our acupuncturist works with our vet to help us treat our kitties. Bets wishes for Lautrec's healing.

CCL Wendy said...

Hang in there, Lolo! We all love you and we're purring very hard that you will recover.

Perhaps you need to go to another vet who would be more helpful. There are always things that can be done.

GTnCo said...

We are purring for you and for lolo to get better quick!!!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We are sending Lautrec our strongest purrs and prayers ...
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too

Old Kitty said...

Me and my cat Charlie came over from the CB. We are purring and praying very very heart that sweet and wonderful Lautrec gets better. Please get better Lautrec! Take care

Anonymous said...

I will pray for your sweet kitty and Scout will send his purrs.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh noes...we just read on the CB that Lolo is so sick! We are very worried, as the Pouponettes are, that a kitty that is yellow, with liver and pancreas function problems, needs to be on IV fluids at the minimum. The amount of water you can orally feed a kitty as sick as Lolo to make a difference would be about 60cc 4 x a day (that's about 2 ounces) and most cats just won't tolerate that force feeding, or like Lolo...vomit it all back up.

The liver and pancreas can flare up when a cat doesn't eat at all for as little as 48 hours or if they are eating 50% less than normal for many days.

Here are some links that will help you learn more and ask your vet to jump in and be more proactive and be able to pull Lolo through this...as Teri says "An educated pet owner is the best client a vet can have!"




The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring and praying for Lautrec. We hope he is feeling better soon.

The Florida Furkids

Daisy said...

I am very sorry that Lolo is feeling so poorly. Harley and I are going to keep him in our thoughts and send our very best healing purrs.

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of purrs and prayers for Lolo! And hugs to Mom, too!
Your TX furiends,

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh poor Lautrec! We're purring for you all. Meow from Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

We heard about this at Jan's Funny Farm...we are sending up prayers. Hugs and nose kisses

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh dear this broke our hearts reading about precious Lautrec...we are purring and praying with everything that we have that he will get better soon!!!!!
You are in our thoughts and in our hearts ((((hugs))))

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no! We are so sorry to hear Lolo is not doing well. We have our purrs and prayers going on overdrive that he will make a miraculous recovery. Hang in there, okay? We love you, and we are purring and praying for you, too!

The Lee County Clowder said...

Sending our best healing purrrrrrss and purrrrayers to Lautrec. Come on kittie, eat something, OK?

Cory said...

Oh no!!!! Sorry we are so late in getting here but as soon as we saw that Lolo needed our purrs, we came right away!!!!


Oh, please let him know how much we love him.

Healing purrs,

Cory and family

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

We are sending our most heavy duty purrs for dear Lolo. As others have said, you must be his advocate. Fluids, at a minimum, are a must.

Laura and Taffy

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are purring and purring for sweet Lolo to get better quick!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Maybe something at this site will help you!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are sending much love and healing and prayers for Lola. Please get well lola # we all love you so much. (((((hugs))))) for the mommy.

Cat said...

I am praying for Lautrec and the boys send their best healing purrs!!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are so sad to hear LoLo is ailing. Us kitties are purraying and our mama is praying for darling LoLo. xxxxxx

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are sending healing purrs to Lautrec. We are so very worried about him but are keeping our vibes positive and our paws crossed he recovers soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sending lots of purrs for Lautrec and hope he recovers from his illness.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Just checking in to see how Lautrec is.
Hopefully no news is good news.
Tell him we are all sending industrial strength purrs and prayers for his fast recovery.
Love & Purrs,
KC & Mom ML

Team Tabby said...

We are sending purrs and purrayers for Lautrec to recover fast. From all of us here.


Cathy Keisha said...

I hope Lautrec gets to feeling better. 13 isn't very old. AttieCattie needs you!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Checking back in to see how Lolo is doing. I hope you checked the link we left, it might be helpeful!!!! We are purring and purring for you Lolo!!!